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Melchior Lechter

 By Maximilian Rapsilber


Lechters, Künstler, Meer
MELCHIOR LECHTER, Glasmalerei, Gotik
MELCHIOR LECHTER, Stefan George, Gesellschaft der Blätter

References from web pages

Melchior Lechter Literature
Title: Melchior Lechter, der Meister des Buches, 1865-1937: Eine Kunst fur und wider Stefan ... Title: Melchior Lechter Author(s): Maximilian RAPSILBER ... e/ literature.shtml

his Sd, Reise
of Melchior Lechter. One will be told that it was he who designed the type ...... Georg Fuchs, Melchior Lechter (separate issue of Deutsche Kunct und ... doi/ pdf/ 10.1111/ j.1468-0483.1959.tb00567.x